Your Boys? My Boys!

July 25, 2010

So, I got home tonight with every intention of plowing through some photo editing.  There are about four shoots that need to get finished and sent off very tonight was the night to knock at least one out!  Unfortunately, tonight is also the night that TBS decided to bring back My Boys, one of our favorite shows.  The show centers around PJ, a tom boy gal who has amassed a group of friends (mostly guys, as the title suggests) that live for sports, love food, and always have a good time.  The humor is perfect, we die laughing literally every episode.  

Needless to say I got through only four of lets see...hmmm...55 pictures? It's going to be a long week :)


Sav Gardiner said...

:) that show makes me smile! getting the motivation to edit pictures can be sooo freakin hard sometimes! oh and i miss you!

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